I Stuck - Live CD Mounts Linux Swap

Brad De Vries devriesbj at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 21:26:22 UTC 2006

On 3/9/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Those who don't want the whole story just skip this part, okay?
> ================= the whole story =====================
> A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
> I [tried] to use WINDOWS.  what can I say?  My X40 (from IBM) came
> preloaded with MS WindowsXP Pro, so needless to say I used it - for
> about a year.  Then I got into Linux.  First it was my Athlon64, then
> my X40, and soon my Athlon1400 will be a linux-only server.  However,
> I'm a fiscal tightwad.  The act of parting with anything of monotary
> value pains me greatly.  So, I rationalised that I'd kill the IBM
> Rescue and Recovery partition of my laptop and load Linux on it.  I
> already had about 30 sets of 30 CDs that did exactly what that IBM
> partition did, and that partition was about ~3 gigs in size, so it
> looked like dual-booting WindowsXP and Linux was a good match.  on a
> 19 gig hard drive, 3 gigs for Linux left BloatSoft WinBloats (R) a
> good 16 gigs.
> However, I like lots of stuff, and I started using Linux almost
> exclusively.  Well...  I did boot windows once just to make sure it
> hadn't died.  Anyways, I then wanted more space for Linux, so I booted
> a Live CD and shrunk the NTFS partition and then found out I didn't
> know how to make a ext3 partition bigger, so I then reinstalled
> Kubuntu.  I'm in the same perdicament now, only one thing has changed
> and it's about to drive me the rest of the way to insanity.
> ================= the important part ===================
> Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog Live CD (and Knoppix 4.0.2, which I'm using
> now) keeps mounting my Linux Swap partition... or at least using it.
> This interferes with GPartEd (which is just QTPartEd in Gnome) and
> keeps me from:
> 1) Shrinking my Windows Partition (hda1, ntfs formatted) and then
> 2) Bloating my Linux Partition (hda3, ext3 formatted).
> My Linux Swap is in hda4 (extended partition, whatever that is) as
> hda5.  I tried umount hda4, umount hda5, umount -f hda4, and umount -f
> hda5.  However, this didn't do anything.
> If anyone knows how to stop it from using my linux-swap partition, so
> that I can GPartEd (which works better in Gnome - I didn't want to
> download and burn a Kubuntu CD, okay?) my way into a bigger hard drive
> so I can have more crap, namely:
> 1) XFCE4.  It's interesting if nothing else.
> 2) Enligtenment.
> 3) Gnome (which can come in handy on occasion...)
> 4) WM
> and a ton of others I can't remember the names of.
> so,
> =========== the final question ==========================
> how do I disable the swap space so it isn't in use SO qtparted reads
> the drive as inactive SO I can shrink my NTFS partition SO I can grow
> my ext3 partition SO I can get on with what's left of my life.
> I'm just hazarding a guess right now, but I think there's a swapon
> command, so does that mean there's a swapoff command?
> --
> ========== GCv3.12 ==========
> GCS d-(++) s+: a? C++ UL+>++++ P+
> L++ E--- W+(+++) N++ o? K? w--- O? M+
> V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
>                 DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
> ========= END GCv3.12 ========

Yes, there is a swapoff command.  You can use 'man swapoff' for more details.

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