System Settings (Draper)
Holger Rumland
hrumland at
Wed Mar 8 17:36:54 UTC 2006
this is a little note to the developers of Kubuntu and it
would be nice, if they acknowlede the following fact, in order
to change it. The System Settings of Kubuntu is definitly a
good tool, but people with laptops of a screen size 1280x800
(wide screens), will have trouble to find or access the apply
buttons for instance, as by default all the system settings windows
pop up to a fixed size (1024). A prime example for this problem is
the Printer setup dialog. The Kicker placed on the button by default
covering in this case the buttons of the windows dialog. This has been
not changed over time, and following the Betas, the dialog windows itself
are also not resizeable. It would be wonderfull if this could be changed,
until the final version of Kubuntu is out, and is then also for this group
of users enjoyable to use this tool, like for instance Yast.
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