The process for the X protocol died unexpectedly

Troy Williams troywill1 at
Fri Mar 3 16:16:34 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 09:35 -0800, Richard Crawford wrote:
> Many times while launching KDE on my computer -- Breezy -- I get an error 
> message reading either:
> "The process for the media protocol died unexpectedly"
> or 
> "The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly"
> Most of the time this doesn't impact functionality, though if the file 
> protocol dies, then my desktop shortcut to my home:/ directory won't show up.
> I've Googled this issue but I haven't found any solutions.  Anyone have any 
> ideas?

I see this too, however on Dapper.  The 'system' protocol dies just
after login and this does impact functionality (i.e. konqueror).  And,
like you, I have not been able to 'Google' it away.

Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams
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