kde and local files
lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 19:32:14 UTC 2006
huh? /media/sda1 is where I go for my USB media. That should mount
as a local directory, AFAIK.
On 3/1/06, Gabriel Dragffy <dragffy at yandex.ru> wrote:
> why does KDE treat the files on my USB hard drive as if they aren't local?
> Forexample I want to import bookmarks from a file on the drive in Konqueror
> but I must first copy it to my /home.
> In K3B I want to burn a huge DVD image that is stored on the USB drive but it
> won't let me because it says it isn't local.
> The problem with a small bookmark file is annoying, but with a massive DVD
> archive I cannot fit it on to my /home, and it's inconvenient having to copy
> it and then burn it.
> Regards,
> Gabe
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