Installing fierefox 1.5 in Kubuntu 6.06

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Jun 29 14:13:55 UTC 2006

On Sunday 18 June 2006 17:33, Matthew Kuiken wrote:
> Erico wrote:
> > in Konsole I run tihs comand :
> >
> > tar -xvzf firefox-
> >
> > in the currente directory , in my case my Desktop Direcotry
> >
> > It created a directory called firefox, I run into it and tried to
> > execute this comand :
> >
> > ./firefox
> >
> > When it tries to run this last comand it displays the error message
> Firefox is in the repositories.  You can install it using the
> package manager, either through apt, as the previous poster recommended,
> using Adept which is KDE's graphical package manager, or by using
> Synaptic, which is Gnome's graphical package manager.  Installing it
> through one of these methods is going to yield a lot less headaches than
> trying to use the tarball from firefox's web site.

Actually, not only did I have a lot of luck installing it Erico's way, I would 
recommend it.

I extracted the archive using ark as a regular user to ~/temp.  Then I moved 
the resultant ~/temp/firefox directory to /opt/firefox without changing 
permissions.  Then I created a link to /opt/firefox/firefox 
in /usr/local/bin.  the Ubuntu firefox package is run as 'mozilla-firefox' so 
there shouldn't be a conflict.  If there is, just rename the Ubuntu 1.0.2 
link to the executable in /usr/bin to mozilla-firefox.

By doing it this way, I can use the extension manager.  Have up to date 
extensions without waiting for Ubuntu Security to repackage them.  Use the 
auto-updater which keeps my firefox and extension up to date every time I 
launch the program.

Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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