Volune in KDE and other minor issues
alvonsius albert
alvonsius.albert at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 13:36:07 UTC 2006
On Saturday 24 June 2006 19:36, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I've finally got KDE set up how it like it... almost. The current
> 3.5.3 is different enough from previous versions that I am left with
> just a few small issues:
> 1) How can I add the volume control to the panel? I can't find it for
> the life of me!
Run KMix
> 2) The buttons in Konqi that I need are all in different toolbars- so
> I have 4 toolsbares open and each one is almost empty. I'm certain
> that I had these buttons active in previous versions without having so
> many toolbars open and eating up all my screen realestate. Is there no
> way to either move buttons from one toolbar to another, or to place
> the toolbars next to each other (as opposed to above and below)?
dunno bout this :D
> 3) After editing the K menu, so items reappear! What would cause that,
> and how can I prevent it?
I've got the same problem since 3.5.0 ... anybody with a tips?
> 4) I've not ever installed a new theme. I just downloaded a theme from
> kde-look and I'd like to install it- how? Its a tar. I can't find any
> documentation on the subject.
If it is a style or window decoration :
untar it, go to the directory and run standard compilng : ./configure --
prefix=`kde-config --prefix` && make && sudo make install
If it a themes : Kcontrol -> Appearance -> Theme Manager -> Install New Theme
> 5) I find that some apps that were once available from apt may no
> longer be available? Opera, Limewire, Amaya, apache, dosbox were not
> once available? I've these repos:
> deb http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted
> deb-src http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted
dunno bout this too hehe :D
Sorry if not answer most of your question, but I hope this will help ... :D
Alvonsius Albert N
Programmer/Web Developer
PT Gamatechno Indonesia
"Do whatever you like, but remember to take care all the responsibilities"
Currently Blog at http://alvonsius.blogsome.com
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