(k)ubuntu USB FS mounting quirk

Roger Haxton rhaxton at swbell.net
Mon Jun 19 21:50:48 UTC 2006

I just moved my laptop over to ubuntu (with the kubuntu-desktop installed 
afterward) and I'm finding a quirk that I'm not sure how to deal with.  I use 
an external USB hard drive a good part of the time which stores my music 
collection, downloads, backups, etc.  On the other distro I have several 
links in my home directory to directories on the external drive.  (e.g. mp3 
for mp3s, ogg for .oggs, vmware for my virtual machines, etc.) In my previous 
distro, the hard drive was mounted as /media/data no matter whether I was in 
KDE or GNOME.  This allowed me to have consistent links in either Window 
Manager.  In (k)ubuntu KDE mounts the drive as /media/sda1 or sdb1 etc. and 
GNOME mounts it as I want it to be mounted as /media/data.  How can I get KDE 
to mount the drive with the partition label rather than the drive name.  I've 
looked around for a setting and haven't found one.  If there's a package I 
need, I'd love to know so I can load it.  I guess as a last resort, I can 
have two sets of links in my home directory and one or the other will be 
active depending on whether I am running in GNOME or KDE.  I really don't 
want to use this solution, however so if anyone can point me to a better 
solution I'd definitely appreciate it.  

Running KDE 3.5.3 on Dapper 6.06 with all latest updates.  This also happened 
with KDE 3.5.2 however before I loaded 3.5.3.

Thanks in advance for reading this and any help you can provide.
The meek shall inherit the earth; the rest of us, the Universe.

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