How to disable root account?

Dariusz J. Garbowski thuforuk at
Mon Jun 19 18:40:41 UTC 2006

On 06/19/2006 07:02 PM, Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
> Hello...again...:)
> I had to do an expert install in order to get my fakeRAID working, and I
> guess I somehow enabled the root account in order to create my initial
> user.  That's all fine and good, I actually prefer to have a root account
> (I'm stuck in my ways).
> My problem is that kdesu is broken and when trying to figure why and how to
> fix it, I ran across this snippet:
> "have you enabled root account? KDEsu get's broken when you enable root
> account."
> So I guess I have two choice:
> 1)  disable the root account
> 2)  employ this solution:
> #2 is less desirable because it makes kdesu want the root password instead
> of my user's password.



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