Make Kwallet open automatically when the computer starts

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sun Jun 18 15:22:08 UTC 2006

On Sunday 18 June 2006 00:05, Tez wrote:
>  you
> can put a link in the Autostart dir by navigating to that dir and
> right-clicking, in the "New..." menu choose "Link to Application". you
> can set it up there.


find the program 

whereis kwalletmanager

Which on my breezy system returns

kwalletmanager: /usr/bin/kwalletmanager /usr/bin/X11/kwalletmanager

The first being the link in the binary executable path and the second being 
the actual program.

Then using the terminal navigate to ~/.kde/Autostart

cd ~/.kde/Autostart

and create the link.

ln -S /usr/bin/kwalletmanager

or if you prefer the gui, split the Konqueror pane by right-clicking the 
status bar and choosing the split you prefer.  In one pane navigate to 
~/.kde/Autostart, and in the other /usr/bin.

Find kwalletmanager in /usr/bin, and drag and drop it to the ~/.kde/Autostart 
pane.  Konqueror prompts for Copy, Move or Link to.  Choose link to.

Once you get used to it, the command line method is the easiest.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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