Thermal problems

Jose Gomez-Dans jgomezdans at
Fri Jun 16 21:35:56 UTC 2006

Summer's already here. Great! However, I am experiencing problems with my
laptop (M.obile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3000+)  Last summer I had some
resets due to overheating while running processor-intensive tasks (taking
days to finish, with outside temperature > 38 degrees C). However, I am
finding that the processor speed jumps up to 80C quite easily, even with
rather simple compilations, or other processor-intensive tasks. This is
unexpected (it didn't happen before), so I would like to know what measures
can be taken to minimise heat. I run the laptop plugged in, so battery is
not a problem. Is there a simple step by step guide for this ("How to
minimise heat on Kubuntu Dapper" would be very useufl :D)

On a related  topic, if I set my power control options to "Hibernate" (and
similarly, if I select Hibernate when I close the laptop's lid), when I boot
up again, I find that the wireless connection (wpa_supplicant and so on) has
disappeared. It 's easy enough to type the commands in, but I suspect that
there will be a little script somewhere that will bring it back on. Am I

Many thanks!
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