Backing up cache archives

Michel D'HOOGE list.dhooge at
Fri Jun 16 07:43:59 UTC 2006

> what your looking for is apt-move <>

 I gave it a try but found it a bit complicate for a "simple back-up". But
as soon as it integrates more easily in Ubuntu, I'll happily use it. For the
time being, I'd recommend dpkg-scanpackages:

Note that when sudo is used, only the 1st command is sudo-ed, those after
the pipe ("|") are run with standard privileges. My favorite workaround in
that case is to give me rights on the directory or files. In that case,
something like below should be enough to be able to run dpkg-scanpackages
without using sudo at all:

$ sudo touch Packages.gz
$ sudo chgrp admin Packages.gz
$ sudo chmod g+x Packages.gz

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