GL Screensavers Disabled??

Dave Vincenty dave at
Tue Jun 6 01:11:43 UTC 2006

This is my first post to the Kubuntu mailing list.

I've recently upgraded to Dapper Drake and I love it.  It seems like the
Ubuntu project finally did KDE the right way and everything is so nice
and lovely now.

Except for one thing.

I first noticed I don't have a screen saver anymore and that freaked me
out.  It's not a big deal, you see, but I really love my Bouncing Cow...
which, for whatever reason, is not on the list anymore.  Neither is
BSOD, Phosphorous, or any of the other screen savers I really liked before.

Then, I found this:

Somebody demanded the Bouncing Cow be removed from Ubuntu's defaults
because they thought "a billion folks" might find it offensive! 

If they're talking about Hinduism (and why wasn't it a Hindu who
complained?) cows are symbolic of the act of sacrifice, because of the
importance of butter made from cows' milk in Hindu sacrifices.

According to Vashishta, "One should never show any disregard for cows in
any way. If evil dreams are seen, men should take the names of cows. One
should never obstruct cows in any way. Cows are the mothers of both the
Past and the Future. Cows have become the refuge of the world. It is for
this that cows are said to be highly blessed, sacred, and the foremost
of all things. It is for this that cows are said to stay at the very
head of all creatures."

I personally find it very offensive that someone would show such
disrespect for cows as to refuse to share in the joy of such a majestic
creature bouncing up and down on a trampoline.   But that's not my point.

How do I get the old screen savers back in KDE?  I still have the
"xscreensaver-gl" package, but i don't see any of my old favorites in
KDE's list.

Thanks in advance.

~~~ dave ~~~
Just really likes cows.

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