Synergy configuration

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Jun 6 00:37:34 UTC 2006

On 05/06/06, Tez <binary_y2k2 at> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I've a WinXP box that I'd like to operate via synergy. I installed
> > synergy on it and it seems to have installed fine. It also starts up
> > fine. However, when I try to start synergy on my Kubuntu 5.10 box I
> > get:
> > dotancohen at ety:~$ synergys -f --config synergy.conf
> > INFO: synergys.cpp,857: Synergy server 1.2.2 on Linux 2.6.12-10-386 #1
> > Fri Apr 28 13:13:44 UTC 2006 i686
> > DEBUG: synergys.cpp,866: opening configuration "synergy.conf"
> > ERROR: synergys.cpp,883: cannot read configuration "synergy.conf":
> > read error: unknown screen
> > synergys: no configuration available
> > <SNTP>
> > What must I do? Thanks.
> >
> > Dotan Cohen
> >
> Try using the full path to the configuration file?, e.g.
> dotancohen at ety:~$ synergys -f --config /home/dotancohen/synergy.conf
> Tez

Thanks. I've gotten it to find the file. I got the server running on
linbox "ety", as you can see here:
dotancohen at ety:~$ synergys -f --config synergy.conf
INFO: synergys.cpp,857: Synergy server 1.2.2 on Linux 2.6.12-10-386 #1
Fri Apr 28 13:13:44 UTC 2006 i686
DEBUG: synergys.cpp,866: opening configuration "synergy.conf"
DEBUG: synergys.cpp,877: configuration read successfully
DEBUG: CXWindowsScreen.cpp,629: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
DEBUG: CXWindowsScreenSaver.cpp,338: xscreensaver window: 0x00000000
DEBUG: CXWindowsScreen.cpp,143: screen shape: 0,0 1024x768
DEBUG: CXWindowsScreen.cpp,144: window is 0x02a00004
DEBUG: CScreen.cpp,38: opened display
NOTE: synergys.cpp,356: started server
INFO: CServer.cpp,946: screen "ety" shape changed

However ,when I start the winbox, I get this:
connection forcefully rejected

So, I must either be on the wrong port, or have Kubuntu firewalled.
I've no firewall on the linbox, so far as I know. At least, Kubuntu
doesn't come with one and I've never installed one. And in the config
I changed no ports.

How can I check what dameons are listening on what ports? Google just
came up with game ports, and port athorities. Any other ideas?

Thanks, guys.

Dotan Cohen

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