Editing Grub

Richard E. Barmann reb68 at bellsouth.net
Fri Jun 2 18:14:32 UTC 2006

On Friday 02 June 2006 1:58 pm, Joe Hart wrote:
> Tez wrote:
> > Richard E. Barmann wrote:
> >> I am using kubuntu and KDE 3.5.2. I have this on a 20G hard drive. Is it
> >> possible and practical (and easy enough) that I could put Windows on my
> >> 10G drive that is empty, I have a company that I do some work for that
> >> needs there reports done on a form that would be better in Windows.
> >
> > It is possible, you'll just need to add a couple of lines to your
> > /boot/grub/menu.lst if update-grub didn't detect it.
> > Something like:
> > title               Windows
> > root               (hd1,0)
> > chainloader   +1
> Keep in mind though that windows prefers to be on the first drive in the
> system, so if it's not your primary drive (hda1 which grub calls (hd0,0)
> then it's possible to have grub fool windows into thinking it is by
> doing this:
hda1 which Grub calls hd0.0 now has Linux on it and the second drive (10G0 is 
hdb1. So I would have to use the following script?
> title        Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
> root        (hd1,0)
> savedefault
> makeactive
> map        (hd0) (hd1)
> map        (hd1) (hd0)
> chainloader    +1
> ---
> That is direct from the breezy install on a system that had windows as
> the first drive on the secondary IDE controller (hdc).  If your other hd
> is a slave to the first (hdb), then it would be (hd0,2) to grub rather
> than (hd1,0)
> I don't quite understand why grub has to have such a weird naming system
> for the devices, but it does.

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