SimplyMEPIS 6.0 -- An alternative to Kubuntu

Bryan belred at
Tue Jul 25 03:01:17 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Sunday 23 July 2006 09:50, Mark Warner wrote:
>> SimplyMEPIS itself is freely available without restriction or cost,
>> using the same repositories as K/Ubuntu.
> That is confusing.  If it is using the same repos as [K]ubuntu, how can it be 
> different?

i use vmware 5.5 on a windows xp host.  i've always been able to install kubuntu 
(hoary, breezy and dapper) without problems.  i've never been able to install 
SimplyMEPIS (30 seconds into the installs, it always just hangs with a black 
screen). not even the latest 6.0 version installs.  so to me, there's a big 
difference :)  out of curiosity, i went to the mepis forum and i couldn't even 
figure out how to search.  so for me, there is a big difference :)


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