grub file

tommy mcdurmon tommac at
Mon Jul 24 15:15:37 UTC 2006

Richard E. Barmann wrote:
> On Monday 24 July 2006 10:17 am, Mitch Thompson wrote:
>> tommy mcdurmon wrote:
>>> I am using Kubuntu 6.06 and I need to edit the grub file. I can find
>>> the /boot/grub/menu.lst file but it will not allow me to edit the
>>> file. What command do I use that will allow me to edit this file?
>>> thanks much.
>>> tom
>> sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
> Right click on the "menu.lst" file and go to actions in the drop down menu.  
> One of the choices in actions is "edit as root"
>> --
>> "To sit home, read one's favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of
>> the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is
>> what evil men count upon the good men's doing." —Theodore Roosevelt
Thanks to both of you but my knowledge of Linux is about to be 
displayed. I followed the first reply and typed the command into the run 
command on the pop up menu and nothing happened. I then went to the file 
by going thru utilities/kate. when file came yp I right clicked and the 
drop down menu did not have "actions" on it. Is there someplace I can 
get a book or written instructions about Kubuntu. If I am going to run 
it, I need to be able to handle problems like this. thanks

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