Hi Re SimplyMepis vs Kubuntu

Rod Lovett rodlovett at ozemail.com.au
Sun Jul 23 23:08:53 UTC 2006

Warren Woodford of Mepis himself was attracted by the good under the 
hood engineering of Ubuntu/Kubuntu.
Mepis is a good distro, with an excellent installer, and a good live cd 
that previously could actually repair a pranged installation of Mepis.
The latest 6.0 release it seems, has lost this repair facility, and has 
bad pipe  and dependency issues if one installs  the mozilla browser.
Mepis does not configure screen resolution like Kubuntu, and CRT 
monitors are maxed out at 1024 x 768, unlike Kubuntu which has a nice 
GUI utility for varying screen resolution past 1024 x 768 if desired.
So I do not see Kubuntu as lacking, it currently surpasses some features 
of Mepis as a desktop.
The Kubuntu installer and Live CD may not be quite so pretty, but so what.

By the way the security server at ubuntu.com sees to be down tonite.

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