KMail and spam

Lord Sauron lordsauronthegreat at
Sun Jul 23 15:44:08 UTC 2006

On 7/23/06, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen <kubuntu at> wrote:
> Hi
> I've set up KMail with spamassasin to fight spam, but I'm not very happy about
> it's efficiency. It only flags about 40-50% of the spam as spam. I've
> configured spamassassin with razor2 and dcc.
> Is this the best I can hope for or have I done something wrong in configuring
> spamassassin?

Back in the days when I had KMail working, I didn't rely on just
spamassasin alone.  There were some other programs that I had enabled
that successfully flagged about 80%-90% of all spam - a much better
rate, I think we'd both agree.

The two I used were:
o Bogofilter (I love that name!)
o Spamassasin 3.x (Perl)

There are a few other anti-spam things you might also try that plug
into KMail.  I can't seem to find the list, however, to set up
additional anti-spam software, go to tools -> anti-spam wizard (should
be second from the bottom).  It's a very easy wizard - I was very
impressed with how easy it was.

I wouldn't recommend more than 2 spam-scanners if you have a slow
machine.  My machine is arguably slow, and it was just barely alive
under the heavy load of just spamassasin alone.  Bogofilter had a much
better time, taking less CPU time and finding more spam.  Go figure.

Good luck, and hope you find something that works!

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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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