deleting password for a user

Christopher J. Bottaro cjbottaro at
Fri Jul 21 20:11:58 UTC 2006

Michael Beattie wrote:

>> Nod, but I said in my first post "sudo passwd -d new_user" executes
>> without
>> error.  The problem is that it seems to have no effect, because when
>> I 'su - new_user' it asks for a password.
>> Oh well, it's not that important I guess since "sudo su - new_user" works
>> fine...except I just broke sudo cuz I changed /etc/hostname and
>> not /etc/hosts...haha!
> Just because it asks for a password doesnt mean that there are any
> passwords that will work...
> Also, look into "passwd -l"

I know, I think you are misunderstanding me.  I want to be able to 'su -'
into an account without being asked for a password.  In Fedora, I
accomplished this by removing the password for the account
with 'passwd -d'.  In Kubuntu, 'passwd -d' executes without failure,
but 'su -' on the account with no password asks for as password.  That is
counter productive to my goal of logging into an account with su without
providing a password.


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