help with bash tab completion behavior

Christopher J. Bottaro cjbottaro at
Fri Jul 21 15:51:02 UTC 2006

I'm an old old Redhat user, so I'm used to how they setup bash.  Two things
I'd like to change about Kubuntu's bash settings:

Assume a symlink to a directory named 'my_dir'.
'my_d<tab>' results in 'my_dir', then a second tab actually changes it
to 'my_dir/'.  I'd like 'my_d<tab>' to directly result in 'my_dir/'.

Assume a file dir1/dir2/file1 that I want to commit in cvs.
'cvs commit di<tab>' results in 'cvs commit dir1 '.  Notice the trailing
space.  That is completely useless, because now I have to backspace and
manually type a slash to be able to continue tab completing to my target

Any ideas?  #2 is extremely annoying and what I would consider completely
broken tab completion.

Thanks very much for the help.

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