Custom-built Linux

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Tue Jul 18 03:28:52 UTC 2006

Pupeno <pupeno at> writes:

> I need to run a newer Linux on my Kubuntu box because this notebook,
> Thinkpad T60, is not well supported by 2.6.15. I experience a one or
> two minutes delay when booting up and I have experienced a freeze.
> Now, where can I get the config used for Kubuntu's Linux ? so I don't
> have to expend three hours making choices.  Furthermore, I'd need to
> rebuild the restricted modules and fglrx driver, rigth ? Anything else
> ?  Any recommendations on how to do it ?

All the config files you are using are in /boot.
So, what you do is copy the one you are using (do a uname -r to see
which one you are using) into your linux source directory (I would add
yourself into the src group to make the following easier).

Install fglrx-kernel-source, xorg-driver-fglrx and any other drivers
from the restricted modules you might need.
Install build-essentials, kernel-package, and libqt3-mt-dev, fakeroot

Unpack the fglrx-kernel-source in /usr/src and all the other modules.
It's important that you are unpacking in /usr/src, so that when you
build the kernel, the system know where to look for the modules.
Copy the config file from /boot to your source, naming it .config
Do a 
make oldconfig
Answer all the questions for the new modules that have come up.
Do a 
make xconfig
to make any changed you need to do
Issue the following command to actually actually build the kernel
package the debian way in /usr/src/linux-<version>:
fakeroot make-kpkg --revision 5:<your revision number> \
--append-to-version -<your initials> kernel_image kernel_doc modules_image

There will now be 2+ debian packages in /usr/src,
kernel-image-<version>.deb, kernel-doc-<version>.deb and all the modules
you built.

Install with
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

There are more information in
/usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz. (also the rational for using
5:<your revision number> in the --revision argument).

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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