Missing smbmount in Badger?

Tez binary_y2k2 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jul 14 17:41:18 UTC 2006

Larry Alkoff wrote:
> After running Kubuntu Badger version 6.06
> it's so impressive that I'm about to abandon my cherished Slackware.
> Although Samba and Samba-common are installed (per Adept), there is no
> smbmount program or man page.
> What would I use to mount a samba share?
> Plain old 'mount -t smbfs'?
I think "mount -t smbfs" would call smbmount, so that wont work.
You normally don't need to mount a samba share to access files on it,
just use the "smb:/" url
but I do like to mount some that I use a lot or need to use from CLI so
you need it.

smbmount is in the smbfs package.


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