kdesu strange problem

Jorge Tome Hernando jorge at jorgetome.info
Fri Jul 14 17:18:27 UTC 2006

Carlos Barros escribió:
> HI list!
> Right after I've installed kubuntu dapper release I noticed a strange 
> problem
> with kdesu. When I run adept, some times nothing happens, the kdesu 
> dialog does not
> show up. The same happen when I enter in, for example, System settings 
> -> network settings
> and click the button to gain admiistrative privileges. That is a 
> intermittent problem, some times
> happens sometimes (mostly) dont. It happens with anything that runs 
> kdesu to elevate privileges.
> Does anyone here got a similar problem?
Same problem here. I have not dedicated time to investigate the final 
reason although.


Jorge Tomé Hernando

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