ipod eject and desktop icon

Haldor Riddering haldor.riddering at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 23:34:47 UTC 2006

Hi there,
I have a 30gig colour ipod.
anyways it mounts fine under /media/sda2 & /dev/sda3
even got gtkpod to work with it now so thats cool.

In Gnome it comes up on the desktop and is as easy as a right click 
eject to make it work but can't seem to figure out how to do it in KDE

anyways what I was hoping for under kde was maybe an icon on the desktop 
so  I could eject it.
I tried sudo eject /media/sda2 & sda3 but just comes up with eject: 
tried to use `/media/sda3' as device name but it is no block device
eject: unable to find or open device for: `/media/sda3'

if I sudo umount/media/sda2 it does it but the ipod "do not disconnect 
message" is still going. I know I can just unplug it but would be nice 
to get it back to neutral before pulling the plug.

any help appreciated

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