specify resolution at boot time

Dariusz J. Garbowski thuforuk at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 23:04:40 UTC 2006

On 07/11/2006 11:49 PM, Andreas Ruppen wrote:
>> I really liked being able choose my resolution and depth when booting off
>> of
> I don't know if this still works but the last time i needed it it did: at
> bootime in grub select type "e" and then edit the boot line. Append vga=XX
> where XX is one of the following values
>        | 640x480 | 800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1600x1200 |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> 256    | 769     | 771     | 773      | 775       | 796       |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> 32'768 | 784     | 787     | 790      | 793       | 797       |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> 65'536 | 785     | 788     | 791      | 794       | 798       |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> 16,8M  | 786     | 789     | 792      | 795       | 799       |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Last time i played with these values i was on SUSE with a 2.4.x kernel so i
> really dont know if this will do the job.

I believe that adding "vga=ask" will let you choose resolution and 
display resolution IDs so that you can see what's available and 
subsequently modify grub entry to vga=ID of your choice.


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