Compiling C in KDE

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Jul 11 08:55:31 UTC 2006

On 11/07/06, John L Fjellstad <john-ubuntu at> wrote:
> Both emacs and vim lets you call Makefiles inside the editor.  Also,
> note people have written some major programs using these tools.
> For instance, in emacs I would do this
> esc x
> compile
> (as in, push esc x, then type compile)
> You will now have the option to call make.
> The nice thing is make inside emacs will compile it, and you can also
> jump to any errors in the code (high light the error code, and type
> Ctrl c c
> You can also compile your project through the menu (Tools->Compile).  And
> on the error, middle click with the mouse to go to that error.
> All these are of course dependent on you already written the Makefile.

I'm getting ready to do a Emacs tutorial now.

> I think the "problem" is (if you want to call it that) is that unix
> people are so used to the power of the their editors (vim, emacs) that
> they haven't seen the "need" for an IDE.
> I did some more googling around, and found this:

I just retried anjuta. I can get it to compile programs (yay),
however, the display looks like this:

Note the reversed parentesis and brackets. I believe this is due to m
Hebrew locale. So in I uncommented the last line of
this block (as per instructions):
#~ # Internationalisation
#~ # Japanese input code page 932 and ShiftJIS character set 128
#~ #character.set=128
#~ # Unicode
#~ #character.set=204
#~ # Required for Unicode to work on GTK+:

I even tried adding:
but that didn't help, either.

> Actually, this site has a list of IDE for C and C++, you might want to
> check out:

Thanks, I'm trying them one by one.

Dotan Cohen

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