Amarok problems - No sound and then Playlist Finished -

Scott scott at
Sun Jul 9 14:34:15 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Friday 07 July 2006 19:28, Joseph wrote:
> Have you installed:
> amarok-arts
> aamarok-xine
> marok-gstreamer?
> Each of the engines is a bit flaky at times, and I tend to switch between xine 
> and gstreamer.  They each occasionally complain about a format they may have 
> handled well the day before.  When they do, I switch and everything works 
> fine.
I don't think the GStreamer engine is around anymore.  The Xine engine, 
which haves always been great to me, now crashes after playing a song or 
two of any format.  I'm not stuck using the outdated Arts engine which 
is not maintained anymore and does not even have an equalizer.

Your friend,

EnGarde! Death with Honour

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