Konqueror Profiles

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 11:09:16 UTC 2006

Did Konqueror used to have "profiles"? I've never used them, but now
that I want to use Konqi as my web browser I think that I need them!

If I understand correctly, profiles will enable me to use konqi both
as a web browser and as a file manager without each of the functions
stepping on each other's toes. For instance, when I'm browsing the
web, I want xhtml and html files (and those same files with php, asp,
htm, extensions) to open in the browser like one would expect.
However, when I'm browsing the file system, I want html files to open
in Bluefish, php files to open in Kate, and so on.

If using profiles is not the way to do what I describe, then what is?
If using profiles _is_ the way to do what I describe, then how d oI set it up?

Thank you in advance.

Dotan Cohen

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