kubuntu dapper screensavers problem

Nigel Ridley nigel at rmk.co.il
Thu Jul 6 15:18:05 UTC 2006

vayu wrote:
> I think I've seen several messages that this is a known bug in 3.5.3. 
> Try searching the archives.
> I had the same problem in 3.5.1 and it automagically fixed itself at one 
> point, I wish I knew what I did.   I could not ever get it to work on my 
> FreeBSD box, so I came up with a non-elegant hack.  I turned it off, and 
> installed xscreensaver.

I too have disabled Kscreensaver and installed xscreensaver - but how do 
I change my choice of screen saver? When I type 'xscreensaver' from the 
cli, it informs me that it is already running :-(




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