kde slow

Omar Armas omar.armas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 16:38:13 UTC 2006

Hi, I installed dapper and found it to be  slower than my previous  ubuntu
5.10, both with KDE.

I have 1280x1024 resolution and all applications seem slow when typing or
redrawing screen.
In konsole I disabled the "Show frame" options and now it works much faster,
but other apps continue with the problem.
I also found the when typing in a smaller window it works faster. For
example if I compose an email in kmail and the compose window is small it
works well, but if I maximize the window the problem begins, its
significantly slower and if I type fast, the characters are changed(if I
type "ssh", I see "shs").

Any idea about how to solve it? I think it's the default theme
Now even windows is much faster than KDE in my computer(P4 2.8, 512RAM).

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