network browsing and sharing

Tez binary_y2k2 at
Sun Jul 2 00:25:38 UTC 2006

Haldor Riddering wrote:
> Hi,
> how do I share folders on my laptop so windows users can access the
> files over the network?
> also is there a network browser for kde? something that will browse
> windows shares automagically.
> I can do it smb://ip.address but don't always know the ip of the
> computers on the network where I work and was hoping for something to
> connect to the workgroup and tell me whats available.
> thanks heaps
You want samba that will install the samba server on your computer,
samba lets windows users use shares that you publish.
You con configure it (and the workgroup) in "kcontrol" -> "Internet &
Network" -> "Samba"
if you don't know, to get in to kcontrol press Alt-F2 or Kmenu -> "Run
Command..." and type kcontrol


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