Resizing the Desktop

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Jan 27 13:18:32 UTC 2006

Russ wrote:

> I need to run the screen resolution configuration tool but I have no
> idea what it is or how to run it.
> I am running 1280 by 1024 60hz but I would like to be able to switch
> to 1024 by 768 or 800 by 600 (on the fly) but now when I change to one
> of the lower res (using krandrtray) the screen wigs out.
> Waht is yhe config tool and how do I run it?

First, I assume that X is configured for the resolutions and that your
video card and monitor support them.

If you are sure that is the case, the easiest way is to toggle through
the resolutions using the Ctrl&Alt&{num pad}+ key combination.

You can also right-click on the desktop and choose Configure Desktop
from the context menu.  The bottom tab of the dialog allows you to set
the default screen resolution.

Your comment that "the screen wigs out", however, leads me to believe
that you are attempting a resolution/refresh rate combo that your
hardware does not support.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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