NAT & bash questions

C Hamel yogich at
Thu Jan 26 23:10:07 UTC 2006

(1)  I have set up NAT on kubuntu the same as I did on three other distros 
--and was delighted that I didn't have to roll my own kernel, this time! :-)   
The rub lies in the fact that I do not know where to save the iptables file.  
The command, '/etc/init.d/iptables save' yields an error because the 
directory is not there.  Obviously, the Debian architecture is different from 
Gentoo/SuSE/Red Hat, et. al., and I am uncertain as to where to save the 
rules.  Consequently (for now) I have unlocked root access to VTs & created 
the 'boot.local' file in /etc/init.d with the necessary commands in it which 
symlink resides in /etc/rcS.d (again, for now, hopefully) until I can find 
out where it actually belongs.  I didn't find it in the docs.  Did I miss 

(2)  I like the screen to clear when I log out from a VT.  SuSE had a neat 
file in /etc/bash called 'bash_logout' in which one could enter the word 
'clear' and that would happen automagically from then, on.  I emulated that 
w/Gentoo but it doesn't seem to work in Debian.  Again, no /etc/bash 
directory and when it was created it was ignored. 

Anyone able to solve these issues will have my blessing. ;-)


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