
Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Jan 24 14:13:30 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:

>Mirjam Wäckerlin wrote:
>>Hi Michael,
>>    does anyone succeed with installing program tellico? If I try to
>>    install
>>    it it says that libkcal2a is needed. If I try install libkcal2a it
>>    is in
>>    conflict with libkcal2b. if I try to remove libkcal2b it is trying to
>>    remove quite big part of KDE.
>>Maybe this is due to kde 3.5 (I installed tellico with apt-get and
>>AFTER I installed KDE 3.5 - there were no problems).
>>Did you already try to install tellico from source? The package in the
>>repo  is maybe  already too old (source was updated recently).To
>>install it from source download it from here:
>Yes.  I thought I would try this because I had installed tellico without
>problem in hoary, but hadn't run it since upgrading to breezy.
>Sure enough, it was gone.  The dist-upgrade had removed it.  But it
>reinstalled without problem from breezy backports.
>I am using KDE 3.4.2.
This thread got me to start using tellico again, and it now seems to
have a major memory leak.  After 2 "saves" it is using almost 65% of
memory and has to be restarted.  Anyone else notice this?


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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