Klamav Installation Problem

Old Rocker old.rocker at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jan 23 22:52:08 UTC 2006

On Monday 23 Jan 2006 20:45, James Gray wrote:

> > Does ubuntu keep its kernel source in another place other
> > than /usr/source/linux?  And how do I install Klamav?
> Usually when a program wants the "kernel source" you can get away
> with installing just the "kernel headers" :)
> sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers
> ...should do the trick.

Thanks for that.  I'll give it a go....

> Read the "README" and/or "INSTALL" files that might have come with
> the tar ball for specific info on what the developers think is
> necessary.

In this case, Klamav's tarball includes an installation script ONLY.  No 
README or INSTALLATION files which I (ahem!) mostly read.

However, is the kernel source installed, and if so, in which directory 
in case I need it in future?

Old Rocker

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