gam_server is using 95-98% of cpu time

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sun Jan 22 14:10:59 UTC 2006

I have found that kaffeine often remains loaded even after a crash or
voluntary shutdown.  I have just gotten into the habit of running
'killall kaffeine' on every exit.  Not a fix, but a functional workaround.

bruce wrote:

>This afternoon, I used kaffeine for a bit and then shut it down.  Later 
>I opened kaffeine again.  Now tops shows two pids for kaffeine and one 
>for gam_server - each of the three is using 33% of cpu time.  Something 
>is very wrong!
>Does anyone else have anything like this with top?  Is this a known bug?
>On Friday 20 January 2006 16:49, bruce wrote:
>>I'm using kubuntu 5.04 and noticed this morning, running top, that
>>gam_server is using most of the cpu.  I tried a cpu intensive program
>>and found that it takes much longer on this machine than on a much
>>slower Fedora core 3 machine.
>>Bugzilla has a bug report for this (in redhat) and there was lots of
>>activity back in 2004, but I can't find anything definitive on a fix.
>>I don't know what gamin or gam_server are nor whether I need them or
>>The discussion is at:
>>Has anyone else seen this?  If so, is there a fix?
>>Any help appreciated - bruce


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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