Anyone else having trouble with kded & kwalletmanager on dapper?

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Jan 18 00:31:47 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton wrote:

> I upgraded dapper yesterday (and again today) for the first time since
> Wednesday, and suddenly kwalletmanager won't talk to kded, causing
> numerous crashes.
> kwalletmanager shows no wallets, though there is still a
> ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl file
> Is anyone else seeing this?

Too, too, weird.  I was also seeing all of my fonts being eye-strainingly
small (maybe 2 pts smaller than I expected), and my touchpad acceleration
was too slow.  Today I'd installed xserver-xorg-input-synaptics but
discovered that ksynaptics depended on a non-existent version of the xorg
driver, and since I'd need ksynaptics to speed it up, I removed the xorg
driver again.  ctrl-alt-backspace to restart kdm, log in again, and
suddenly the wallet manager is working, too.  I don't know for sure that
these events are related, but it's suspicious.  

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