Mozilla Firefox

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso at
Tue Jan 17 15:26:30 UTC 2006

I'm afraid I can't help you there. I had the same problem with the .tgz from 
Mozilla with Mandriva 2006.0 on 64bit. All I can suggest is trying the Dapper build?


Robert Parker wrote:
> I cannot get it to run at all.
> In my $HOME/firefox/ directory
> ./firefox
> I get the following error:
> ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> locate yields:
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> Any clue?
> Thanks
> Bob Parker
> On 1/17/06, Jamon Camisso <jamon.camisso at> wrote:
>>Robert Parker wrote:
>>>I've just built an AMD64 system and put Kubuntu 5.1 on it.
>>>Kong browser does not play well with gmail or yahoo mail so I
>>>downloaded Moz Firefox for I686. Before I install it does anyone know
>>>of any issues with running it on a 64 bit system? I assume I use dpkg
>>>to install it.
>>>Bob Parker
>>Flash content will be a problem. However, this is not a problem unique
>>to Firefox. Macromedia have not released a 64bit version of their
>>player, so any 64bit distro that supports Flash is using a 32bit browser.
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