Konqueror seems to love the GIMP
angrykeyboarder at angrykeyboarder.com
Tue Jan 10 21:25:14 UTC 2006
Matt Treml wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just installed Kubuntu 5.10 on a PC that used to have Xandros
> installed. I wiped the / filesystem but kept /home as it was.
> However, I've got an odd problem in Konqueror. When I try to use it as a
> filemanager, instead of displaying the contents folders, it launches the
> GIMP each time I try to open one.
This just reminded me of something. I've read how one can supposedly
have multiple Linux distros installed on a single computer and all use a
shared home directory. In theory it make sense, but more often than not
I hear of numerous problems that crop up. Off the top of my head it
seems that not all linux distros put stuff in the same place. Since
this is the case, it seems like a recipe for a big mess with
configuration files.
I tried it briefly with Kubuntu and Fedora Core a number of months ago.
Several problems did indeed crop up.
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