Evolution problem

Duff Mckagan mckagan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 07:09:49 UTC 2006

On 1/10/06, Frank Arnold <franka at svpal.org> wrote:
> Hello...
> I installed Kubuntu Breezy a while back and discovered
> Automatix-Kubunttu (there is one for Ubuntu also). As far as I am
> concerned it is the best thing since sex for upgrading Kubuntu. However,
> it installs Firefox 1.5 and now I have a problem with Evolution. Any
> time someone sends me a URL in an email
> and I click on it, no browser loads to the URL. This is very unusual and
> a real problem. Any suggestions for a fix?
> Thanks
> Frank Arnold
> There may be a setting for the default browser to be used. Check it there.

I remember Gaim has an option like that.

Take a look at
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