how to make a *.deb package from source

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Sun Dec 31 17:29:31 UTC 2006

1.  Oops, apologies, not intentional.

2.  Thanx.  I guessed there was a fairly simple way of doing this, but what I 
could find in the forums only discussed it in conjunction of adding projects 
to online repositories, etc--all I wanted was something for myself.


On Sunday 31 December 2006 09:03, Tez wrote:
> > I downloaded the latest KMyMoney tar.bz2 from  I unarchived it to
> > a new directory on my Desktop, performed the ./configure, make, make
> > install. The program runs without errors.  I wish to turn it into a *.deb
> > in order for it to be installed, and tracked by a package manager.  Can
> > someone list out the command line steps for this?
> >
> > Thanx
> >
> > Larry Hartman
> 1st. please don't hijack a thread, it makes the subject more difficult to
> follow.
> 2nd. Install the package 'checkinstall' (in universe)
> then in the source directory (where you ran make), just run "sudo
> checkinstall make install" That will make a .deb and install it with dpkg
> This isn't the only way to make a .deb of a package, just google for debian
> packaging guide Some projects include the ability to make debs in the
> Makefile, so 'make deb' could work.
> Tez

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