Epson printer utilities

Neil Winchurst neil at
Tue Dec 19 16:30:46 UTC 2006

claydoh wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 December 2006 4:54 am, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> I use kubuntu Edgy.
>> I have an Epson inkjet printer. It works fine. When I go to use the
>> printer utilities via System Settings > Printers > Admin Mode >
>> Printer > Printer tools it finds my EPSON Inkjet. So I click on that and
>> see a set of utilities.
>> When I try to use one of the utilities, eg Ink Level, I get the error
>> message
>> Unsupported connection type: epson
>> This has left me baffled. Can anyone tell me what is wrong please?
>> Neil Winchurst
> You need to install the epson printer utility called escputil
I have already done that and I am using it. However it doesn't have any 
effect on the utilities referred to above. I still get the same error 
message. However it doesn't matter now of course, I will just use escputil.


Neil Winchurst
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