Foreign words

anthony baldwin anthonybaldwin at
Mon Dec 18 23:29:50 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:

>On Monday 18 December 2006 12:06, Simone wrote:
>>Neil Winchurst ha scritto:
>>>I am wondering how to get the correct spelling of some foreign words
>>>that need an accent, eg words like cafe, fiancee which really need an
>>>accent on the letter e. I can manage fine in OO writer but how about an
>>>email client? Or how about when I am writing a blog in a browser? Can
>>>anyone help please?
>>If you search on the OOo writer help, you can find a guide to write
>>these special char under Linux. If you can't find it, read this link:
>I don't think he needs help entering the characters, but rather getting his 
>spellchecker to recognize them correctly.
>I can sympathize.  I use US-English dictionary.  The correct spelling is Café, 
>but my spellchecker says that is wrong and wants cafe, which is wrong.  Same 
>with résumé vs. resume.  Résumé is a curriculum vitae; resume means to start 
>It's annoying.
It´s easy enough to alter the language/dictionary for a portion of text.
Right click, choose ¨character¨ and change the language.


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