[dapper] can't access usb scanner as normal user???

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Mon Dec 18 22:16:45 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Sun Dec 17 2006, claydoh did say:

> On Sunday 17 December 2006 12:50 pm, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > I'm having trouble as a normal user to access my usb scanner. This is
> > NOT a device I want reserved for sudoers...
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what I need to do to give scan permissions to ALL
> > normal users???
> >
> Snipped
> >
> > /etc/sane.d/artec_eplus48u.conf points at this firmware file
> >
> > => option artecFirmwareFile /usr/share/sane/artec_eplus48u/Artec48.usb
> >
> Do you actually have the firmware file copied over to the location
> specified, and the filename is spelled exactly as it is in the config
> file?  It can be found on the driver disk, or in a windows dir, probably
> c:\windows\system32\drivers

Yup. In fact I had this all working for normal users in breezy before I
did the "apt-get dist-upgrade" to dapper.

But now if I use my preferred front end {kooka} as my normal (and usual)
user I see the files from previous scans but most of kooka is grayed out
due to not finding the scanner.

Yet if I login to my sudo user account and sudo kooka, I get a _WORKING_
scanner. But of course none of my normal users previous scans are there.
and if I want my normal user to have access to the resulting scan I have
to cp or mv it, and chown it first...

Actually what I want to do is to let my girlfriend use kooka with her
login to scan her photos (which she can just about figure out how to do)
But no way is she ready for sudo...

But thanks for the suggestion. As I recall back when I 1st got sane
working in Fedora Core 1 the firmware file was the biggest problem.
Now however my scanner does work, but only with root privileges. <sigh!>

   #gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 0x6C2163DE#
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|    ^^^   ^^^
|    <o>   <o>	     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	 ^    		  J(tWdy)P
|	___	       <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>
|      <sigh>

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