Foreign words

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Dec 18 21:58:29 UTC 2006

On 18/12/06, Art Alexion <art.alexion at> wrote:
> If that is the case, and he is using them only occasionally, I suggest
> enabling "compose key" I assigned the windows key as the compose_key.  Now I
> can enter é by typing in sequence win_key+e+'.  § is win_key+s+o.  Google
> compose key.  I don't have the URL right now, but there are two really good
> pages about this, both setting up and using.  If you need the URLs, write
> back and I will look them up again and post them.

Windows key, what's that? Do you mean that one there in the corner
with the image of a penguin on it?

Dotan Cohen

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