Configuring mice

Edmund Laugasson ed.lau at
Mon Dec 18 11:00:37 UTC 2006

>>> Where can I frind a graphical interface that will let me configure my
>>> mouse, fix the number of buttons, test that they work properly, similar
>>> to the mouse utility in Mandrake ?
>> If you are using KDE - run KControl:
> Only covers "soft" config of the mouse, not harware.
> Frinstance no wat to tell the bloody machine that my mouse has four buttons !

Then you need to configure configuration file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf

What mouse you exactly have?

Some links I found so far, that might help you: - good tutorial

I searched so -

After changing /etc/X11/xorg.conf you need to log off and then log in to 
have changes in effect. Or just do restart if logging of did not have 
effect. I mentioned, that in Ubuntu e.g. changing modeline it does not 
help if I log off (doing restart to X server) - I need to restart 
computer to have changes in effect.

Best Regards,
Edmund Laugasson

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