Minimizing a window per keyboard instead of mouse

Tchize tchize at
Wed Dec 6 08:39:07 UTC 2006

System settings (known as kde control panel) -> keyboard and mouse ->
keyboard shortcuts -> window  -> minimize

Personally i like to play with winkey + wsxc (or zsxc on qwery layout)
to handle respectively move to previous desktop, maximize, minimize,
move to next desktop ^^ )

You can change the shortcut to fit your win98 style needs

john d. herron a écrit :
> Having to rely on the mouse as the only means to minimize a window is
> something I find quite annoying.
> A keyboard combo of Alt+Spacebar+Underline works well e.g. in Win98,
> but not in Linux.
> Am I overlooking something? Any help will be appreciated.
> jdh
> _________________
> kubuntu 6.06 LTS on
> i586 w/ 512 MB

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