new in kubuntu

Tez binary_y2k2 at
Tue Dec 5 13:12:57 UTC 2006

O. Sinclair wrote:
> I thought the query was regarding 6.10? In 6.06 I don't remember having 
> the problem? But in 6.10 I assure you it is in / and hidden.
> Sinclair

The file .hidden is in / (the root of the FS), this was a new feature
introduced in Edgy (6.10).
For the people that don't like it, me being one, you can edit the file,
either in a term or open your favourite text editor as root like, kdesu
kate /.hidden
You will also be pleased to know that this feature will be removed in
the next release of kubuntu (7.04 Feisty Fawn).


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