Kubuntu, first impressions

Earl Violet ejviolet at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 3 14:29:27 UTC 2006

"Renaud (Ron) Olgiati"  writes:

> For instance, why mount partitions on /media/ instead of /mnt/ ?

*buntu is Debian based and my Debian machine does this in 3.1 which
is well over a year old.

> The root user has been done away with; in many cases (schools etc)
> will still need a special admin account; so what is the point of
> making this different from root ?

You can still get to root by going to a terminal entering the
following code:
sudo passwd root
and following the instructions on screen.
Use CTRL-ALT-F1 to get to a console and log in as root. In a
terminal, at the command prompt, enter:

> As installed, because there was no Internet working yet, all the
> listed repositories in /etc/apt/source-list had been commented out;
> I had to vi source.list to get that working.
> How is the non-geek user, fresh from MS Windows, supposed to deal
> things like that ?

This happens in Debian Stable too. No Internet, no sources.


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