Kubuntu, first impressions.

Jeff Yowell jeff_yowell at cox.net
Sun Dec 3 00:37:01 UTC 2006

6.06 is 6 months old, and many people have tried it.
The newest version is 6.10, and may have fixed many of the issues you  
spoke of.

On Dec 2, 2006, at 6:32 PM, Renaud (Ron) Olgiati wrote:

> Just finished installing Kubuntu 6.06; first impressions:
> Impression, Kubuntu has departed from Linux standards, for no  
> visible reason:
> For instance, why mount partitions on /media/ instead of /mnt/ ?
> The root user has been done away with; in many cases (schools etc)  
> you will
> still need a special admin account; so what is the point of making  
> this
> different from root ?
> Impression, Kubuntu is for geeks;
> As installed, the serial mouse did not work, and I had to vi  
> xorg.conf to get
> it working.
> As installed, the network cards were not configured; when I ran the  
> config it
> offered me eth0 and eth1, without telling me what card was on each,  
> and I had
> to try an IP adress on one, and go to a console to try to ping my  
> firewall,
> to know which was which.
> As installed, because there was no Internet working yet, all the  
> listed
> repositories in /etc/apt/source-list had been commented out; so I  
> had to vi
> source.list to get that working.
> How is the non-geek user, fresh from MS Windows, supposed to deal  
> with things
> like that ?
> Cheers,
> Ron.
> --
>                 Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.
>   If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's  
> throats.
>                                                              --  
> Howard Aiken
>                    -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --
> -- 
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Jeff Yowell
jeff_yowell at cox.net

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